

Finding Your Home

Acquiring an Agent – Once you have done some initial research on potential locations for your new home and have put some serious thought into what your needs, priorities and price range are, it is time to find yourself a representative agent. This person will help you find and facilitate the viewing of properties that come as close to your criteria as possible. They will also serve as your representative in the negotiation and rental process.
Please note that depending on the circumstances, agents can have different levels of representation. An overview of what this can look like can be found in this NY Times article. It is very important that you discuss this with any potential agent before you agree to work with them, as they will ask you to sign an Agency Disclosure Agreement as a legal requirement before you start to work together on an official basis.

Rental Lease

Once you have identified the property that you are interested in, you can begin the process of negotiating the monthly rent and any contingencies you may have to get the property ready for your move in.

Landlords will often ask for a background check or letter of reference from an employer and proof of work contract. Some will also ask to see proof of funds – such as pay-checks or salary offer.
Based on the agreed conditions, a standard lease is drawn up by the landlord for your review.

Disclaimer: The information above is only intended as a summary guide and not as a comprehensive treatise on the process of buying property. It is essential that you retain and consult appropriate and qualified legal representation to guide you throughout the process once you decide to proceed.

Work With Us

Dee & Andrea are dedicated to helping you find your dream home and assisting with any selling needs you may have. Contact us today to start your home-searching journey!

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